The 8th conference of the korean speech-language & hearing association and the Korean academy of speech-language pathology and audiology was held on November 11th, at the Daegu Catholic university, Korea. Three oral presentations and thirteen posters were presented. 1) Reading comprehension and eye-movement pattens in school-age children with and without vocabulary delay according to reading modalities, 2)Story comprehension skills in school-aged children according to text type and story modality, 3)Linguistic disfluencies in the narrratives of Korean-English bilingual children, 4) Preschool children's story comprehension according to pocessing speed, processing capacity, and video presentation speed, 5) The effect of the lexical frequency and reading amount on school-age children's sentence processing ability, 6) Language and emotional behavior support for culturally and linguistically diverse children via mobile platform system, 7)An eye-tracking study on reading in school-age children according to reading modalities and text types, 8) The role of the home literacy environment in early literacy and vocabulary skills in Korean-English bilingual children, 9)The influence of lower-level language skills, episodic buffer, and home literacy environment in narrative retelling skills for preschoolers with and without specific language impairment, 10) Usability testing of a web-based assessment for children's language and emotional development, 11)The comparative study of narrative comprehension in children according to adult's reading strategies, 12) Narrative abilities and working memory in school-aged children with and without vocabulary delay, 13) Syntactic and semantic diversity in the narratives and their associations with working memory, 14) The impact of PIBI on the language development of late-talkers and the interaction behavior of their caregivers, 15) The effect of online bilingual shared book reading on vocabulary learning for Korean-English bilingual children, 16) Comprehension and story retelling performance on varied difficulty in the media narrative in 4-5 yeas old childen with and without vocabulary delay.