The 6th joint conference of the Korean Speech-Langauge & Hearing Association and the Korean Academy of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology was held on November 9th, 2019 at the Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. This year, Dr. Yim was a moderator for the department of child language impairment. Also, one poster presentation and one oral presentation received the best research award!
Two theses are:
-Han, J., Kang, D., & Yim, D. (2019, November). Step-by-step word learning: Finding the optimal amount of word exposure. Oral presentation.The 6th KSHA & KASA conference. Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. November 9th.
-Han, J., Song, E., Lee, S., Han, J., & Yim, D. (2019, November). Comparison of word learning between latent groups: Focusing on the role of selective attention. Poster presentation. The 6th KSHA & KASA conference. Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. November 9th. Child Language Lab is presenting 4 posters and 3 oral presentations under Dr. Yim's supervision. The list of 4 posters are written below:
Yang, Y., Mun, J., & Yim, D. (2019, November). The Implementation of Inherent Strategies on Children with and without Language delay: SNARC effect and Chunking effect. Poster presentation. The 6th KSHA & KASA conference. Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. November 9th.
An, H., Yun, S., Jeon, J., Hwang, S., & Yim, D. (2019, November). Overall Satisfaction of the Primary Caregivers based on the Vocabulary skills in Multicultural Children. Poster presentation. The 6th KSHA & KASA conference. Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. November 9th.
Lee, S., Kim, H., Kim, T., Han, J., & Yim, D. (2019, November). Comparison of Idiom Comprehension Ability and Its Relationship to Executive Functions in School-Aged Children with and without Vocabulary Delay: Does Contextual Picture Paint Thousand Words?. Poster presentation. The 6th KSHA & KASA conference. Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. November 9th.
Han, J., Kang, D., & Yim, D. (2019, November). Step-by-step word learning: Finding the optimal amount of word exposure. Poster presentation.The 6th KSHA & KASA conference. Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea. November 9th.