CLL researchers attended the Annual ASHA Convention at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, November 15-17, 2018. Seven poster presentations and two oral presentations were asked to be presented.
The clinical usefulness of parent report of 27 months old toddlers and their post 7 months follow up
Relationship between lexicon and syntactic development between children with TD and LI using Wordbank
The effect of linguistic experiences and phonotactic probability on nonword repetition and fast mapping ability
A follow-up study of phonological neighborhood density in 18- to 35-month-old children
What is happening during storybook reading? : Using eye-tracking technology
Transfer effect of parent training of an interactive book reading to a free play setting
Do bilinguals change their voices? Relationship between paralinguistic changes and voice attractiveness
Influence of mother tongue exposure on linguistic and non-linguistic eposodic buffer in culturally and linguistically diverse children
Usage of onomatopoeic and mimetic words in Vietnamese-Korean bilingual children compared to Korean monolingual families